Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Kebudayaan indonesia mengalami banyak perubahan dari jaman dulu hingga sekarang. Dilihat dari segi kepercayaan orang orang jaman dulu mayoritas menganut aliran animisme/percaya pada nenek moyang, dinamisme/benda benda, saman/dukun, sarman/hewan. Kebersamaan dan gotong royong untuk mencapai cita-cita bersama pun masih kental sekali. Kebudayaan bangsa Indonesia saat ini sudah banyak sekali terpengaruh oleh kebudayaan barat. Dari cara bepakaian yang cenderung 'terbuka', penerapan2 teknologi canggih, dan lain sebagainya. Mayoritas rakyat juga menganut 5 agama besar seperti Islam, Kristen, Katolik, Hindu dan Budha. Namun tidak sedikt juga yang masih mempertahankan kepercayaan seperti animisme dan lain-lain yang sudah disebutkan diatas. Menurut saya pengaruh globalisasi dan perkembngan teknologi di masa depan membuat manusia menjadi individualistis. Setiap individu mmpunyai ketergantungan terhadap teknologi sehingga mengurangi interaksi antar individu lain. Selain itu akan banyak kebudayaan tradisional yang akan terabaikan yang mengakibatkan hilangnya identitas bangsa.

Orang-orang timur mempunyai manner yang khas yang membedakannya dengan bangsa lain. Bangsa timur sangat terkenal dengan hospitality atau keramahtamahannya terhadap orang lain bahkan orang asing sekalipun.  Bagaimana mereka saling memberikan salam, tersenyum atau berbasa basi menawarkan makanan atau minuman. Bangsa timur juga sangat menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai atau norma norma yang tumbuh di lingkungan masyarakat mereka. Contohnya saja nilai kesopanan. Di beberapa negara di Asia ada cara dimana kita harus menundukkan/membungkukkan badan 90 derajat pada orang yang lebih tua atau mempunyai kedudukan yang lebih tinggi secara finansial maupun pendidikannya untuk menunjukkan rasa hormat kita.  Kepribadian bangsa timur juga identik dengan tutur kata yang lemah lembut dan sopan dalam bergaul maupun berpakaian. Orang-orang timur juga sangat mengedepankan kepentingan bersama daripada kepentingan yang bersifat pribadi . Bangsa lain juga sangat suka dengan kepribadian bangsa timur yang tidak individualis, dan saling menghargai serta tolong menolong satu sama lain tanpa pamrih. Selain itu bangsa timur sangat menjaga tali silaturahmi atau kekeluargaan antar sesama. Bangsa timur juga terkenal mempunyai pribadi sebagai bangsa pekerja keras, mereka akan berjuang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan baik kebutuhan individu mereka atau kebutuhan kelompok. Tingkat keagamaan atau religiusitas mereka juga tinggi, terlihat dari seringnya mereka melakukan ibadah. kepercayaan bangsa timur terhadap nenek moyang mereka juga masih kental hingga saat ini. bangsa timur juga terkenal sebagai bangsa yang menjunjung tinggi nilai kebudayaan bangsanya. Kebudayaan itulah yang mereka jadikan sebagai panutan mereka dalam berperilaku.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

I have already told you about KIFF right? then I will share it here, not specifically but I'll try my best. Tuesday, 12th October, is the day when KIFF is being held. I and my friend, Nana, who is a die-hard fan of TVXQ too but have an interest in SHINee, came together to attend this event. We are a premium member of ARIRANG so we got our seats right in front of the stage. We are asked to come at 3pm and must wear an ARIRANG fanclub for Indonesia's t-shirt that we already purchased before. I can tell im not that excited with this event maybe because im not a Shawol? hehe sorry.. but yeah, Shinee is TVXQ’s dongsaeng so I must put my attention on them too right? We entered the venue at about 6pm after queueing for 2-3 hours. Inside the venue, TVXQ, SUJU, and other kpop artists’ MV are played while waiting all the seats are fulled with the audiences. It make a loud of cheering from all the  kpopers entire the venue. I, myself, turned hyper when Mirotic MV was played in the small screen and chanted along with other audiences. About 6.30 PM WIB the event started and hosted by Adrian from Korea (he looks so gorgeous wearing Batik) and Nadya Mulya from Indonesia (She is sooo stunning with that Hanbok).

Thursday, October 14, 2010

again. Cassiopeia trended a topic for TVXQ. this is actually an old news but let me share this with you. as you probably know, JYJ's TVXQ got their activities suspend by AVEX, their management agency in Japan, because some problem with their agency in Korea, CJes. But, JYJ stated that the suspending decision is not related at all with their Korea's agency. the matter is, AVEX is not treat them well as an artist but a money making-machine. it really hits me. well, I put my trust on AVEX for taking care the boys after their problem with the previous management SM Entertainment, and for promising Cassiopeia to try their best to unite TVXQ again. are this all such a lie? I wonder why all the companies seems not care about their artists' condition. its okay to grab a benefit from their artists but THEY'RE STILL HUMAN FOR GOD'S SAKE!! please pay attention on their health and feeling! im not saying this because TVXQ, whom I love the most, is treated like that but for all artists who already shed their sweats to fullfil all your greeedyness. you know, if i could, I want to build my own management company for TVXQ with Cassiopeia over the word taking part as the staffs. so the issue like slave contract will not happen. ok well thats why Cassies have a project to trend #bestrongtvxq, they want to show that no matter what others done you still got on your backs the everlasting RED OCEAN.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


gaaah, its a long time since my last post in here. yeah im a little bit busy, you know, i have entered a college's life and its so stressful. my college is quite far from my house in Tangerang so I must rent a room near my school to catch there easier. yeah, to tell you the truth living here alone without my family feels really suck. I am homesick not used to prepare everything by myself. such a spoiled brat, huh? but yes! actually its not a matter if I could get along with the other renters. but idk why I found it difficult. 2 weeks past but still, I just stayed in my room a day-night except i have some activities outdoor. thankfully, because of my classmates i have a fun time in school, and not forget about my 'partner in crime', nana, who study in different college but not-so-far with mine, to share her 'garbage' things with me. hahaa
well, actually i have so many things to tell you but Im lazy to type it now. but let me tell you sth. you know what? imma such a lucky girl because i have a free ticket to watch Korea-Indonesia Friendship Festival (KIFF)!!! and my seat row is the nearest from the main stage. and guest why im so excited? SHINEE will be one of the performers in that event. OMG!! although im a die-hard fan of TVXQ but still this chance make me sooo full of joy. Arirang will broadcast this event worldwide in a middle of this month and i just feel like in a dreamland. this event will be held in 12th october and seems like I must absence from school hehe. aaah sorry I think I will end this now because I have sooo many assignments that haven't being finished. ALWAYS KEEP THE FAITH, ne?

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Well, yesterday, 21st of August, around 5PM KST or 15.00 WIB cassies over the world trending #2stages1tvxq on Twitter to show their support towards our lovely boys, DongBangShinKi. As we know that TVXQ's U-know Yunho and Max Changmin appeared on SMTown '10 Seoul whilst the other three, Hero Jaejoong, Micky Yoochun, and Xiah Junsu appeared on A-nation '10 Osaka. The #2stages1tvxq means that altough the members appeared on the different events, they are still one. One TVXQ forever. The trending project really went well. #2stages1tvxq include in big ten worldwide trendest topic. I join this project, and I kept twitting for 5 hours. Yes, its so tiring but I feel really excited. Cassies' love for them is sooo amazing that  makes me speechless, touched, teary, amazed, and kind of that. Along with #2stages1tvxq, JYJ, HoMin, TVXQ, Cassies, and SMTown concert  are listed as TT too! The #2stages1tvxq stayed for six and a half hours on the list. Omg, really, Cassies and TVXQ ruled Twitter that night.


Friday, August 20, 2010


What is that? Felix is a nick name for my beloved class when I used to be a student of 1 senior high school Tangerang. FELIX stands for 'Federation of Eleven Six' (the name remained like that although we promoted to the twelfth grade). Woaaa, just mention that name I longed going back to the high school time! Well, I have graduated in May this year and will continue to college. Honestly, it makes me sad and happy at the same time.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

~ Credit : 一毛 (Yi Mao) @www.shenfengchou.com ~
trans : GreenneX3 & Vyslin

Credit : Eternalmerkamoon1 - youtube

I am Indonesian and English is not my main language, so if there are a mistake in grammar or such, please bear with it. I'm not good at writing either and this is my first time to write a blog, But I will try my best to make it interesting.

Well, I'm a 19 years old cassie. It's been a year since I obsessed with this idol group. Yes, TVXQ. If I could say, It was already too late  for me to love them. How regretful that I just have realized how perfect they are and start loving them after they passed 6 years since debuting. They really have an amazing talent. There is no doubt in their singing and dancing skill. They are good at acting and speaking in public. They are well-mannered too! They respect not just towards the elder but also their dongsaengs, fans, and people around them. Should I mention that they are good-looking and have a well-built body?
*drool right now
